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Working in a Pod is like running a Hackathon - yet sustainably and systemically.
In simpler words: PODS brings innovations to the workplace.

For CEOs and CTOs

Pods (~50 people or more) are investment-focused, customer-centric organizational blocks that offer end-to-end services. Guide them with your strategic vision and define clear inputs and outputs. Focus on the bigger picture.

For Engineering Managers

Grow engineering excellence within Pods (~50 people or more) to serve the organization effectively. Guide the Pod as a whole and focus on the bigger picture.

For Product Managers

Guide the Pod (~50 people or more) with vision and priorities to drive outcomes. Focus on the bigger picture rather than managing individual teams. Focus on the bigger picture.

For Agile Coaches

Experience PODS-based org design as the ultimate agile approach (i.e., individuals over processes). Help create and sustain these adaptive, result-oriented organizational building blocks. Focus on the bigger picture.

For Scrum Masters

Treat the Pod (~50 people or more) as your Scrum team. Collaborate with other Coaches and Managers to ensure Pod's end-to-end mandate for outcomes and improvements. Focus on the bigger picture.

For Consultants

PODS offers a modern product-centric, scalable, adaptive org design. It can be combined with many known frameworks and approaches. Learn more about combining PODS with other methods

Productize and Descale

Modernize your organization by adopting Pods

Give Pods full mandate and treat them as profit centers.


PODS helps you transform your organization into product-centric, customer-focused teams. Each Pod is a self-contained unit that:

  • Owns a clear product or service domain
  • Has end-to-end responsibility and autonomy
  • Maintains direct customer relationships
  • Operates with clear inputs and outputs


Instead of scaling up complexity, PODS helps you descale your organization into manageable, autonomous units that:

  • Reduce organizational complexity
  • Minimize cross-team dependencies
  • Enable faster decision-making
  • Foster innovation and experimentation

Key Benefits

Increased Autonomy

Pods operate independently with clear boundaries, reducing bottlenecks and enabling faster decision-making.

Better Customer Focus

Direct customer relationships and end-to-end ownership lead to better products and services.

Scalable Growth

Add new Pods as you grow, maintaining organizational effectiveness without increasing complexity.

Organizational Design

Org Development Vector

  • 1. From 'divide and conquer' to managing holistically.
  • 2. From managing dependencies to collaborative value creation.
  • 3. From fast flow at the team level to globally improving performance.
  • 4. From spawning narrowly-specializing teams to re-focusing and learning what matters.
  • 5. From frequent expensive reorganizations to adaptive fluid org design.

Org Design Guidelines

  • Each Pod is a profit center for investments in learning and collaboration in service of customer value
  • has a distinguishable business model and product strategy
  • carries economical accountability with profit & loss ownership
  • fosters engagement of business stakeholders
  • serves one or many holistic customer journeys
  • drives clear purpose of existence that is being validated regularly
  • encapsulates the whole product lifecycle (e.g. build and run, from concept to cash)

Avoid Local Optimization

To avoid introducing more silos and fragmentation, it is vital to avoid creating small Pods. A Pod can easily be a 50-people "team of teams" that is responsible for a product or service domain.

Inside a Pod

Understand how Pods operate and deliver value

A Pod is a self-contained business unit with full autonomy and clear accountability.

Pod as a Building Block

Purpose of a Pod

The primary purpose of a Pod is to drive desired outcomes, serve its customers, and ensure a meaningful return on investment.

Not a Temporary Unit

Unlike temporary projects or virtual teams, Pods are built for long-term operation, fostering continuity, adaptability, and a consistent commitment to delivering sustained value.

Size of a Pod

A Pod's size is not constrained by arbitrary limits (7±2, <10 or 50). A Pod can easily fit 50 people or more collaborating together to drive the Pod's purpose.

Roles within a Pod

Pod's Strategic Manager

Pod Managers focus on the bigger picture of re-defining actual priorities and desired outcomes for a pod. They work at the Pod's periphery.

  • Treat Pod as a worker, regardless of size and composition
  • Provide necessary mandates to drive outcomes
  • Focus on Pod's long-term fulfillment of purpose
  • Provide clarity of purpose and current priorities
  • Care for sustainable well-being of Pods

Pod Managers stay away from how Pods operate within. Multiple Pods can share Pod Managers, each focusing on specific aspects like business priorities, operational excellence, or employee satisfaction.

Pod's Creative Member

For Pod Members, a Pod is their home. They love it and take care of it. They learn to solve smaller problems with great responsiveness.

  • Take pride in their work
  • Collaborate effectively to get things done
  • Maintain focus on Pod's priorities and outcomes
  • Continuously learn and improve to stay relevant
  • Can be either humans or AI Agents

Pod Members are proud of their work and maintain the bigger picture while handling day-to-day responsibilities.

On the collaboration between Pod Managers and Members

  • Pod Managers and Members share the same high-level objectives
  • Pod's way of working constantly improves and adapts through Pod Members
  • Pod Managers provide reasons for Pod's existence and value generation
  • Both parties learn to respect each other's perspectives and design preferred collaboration styles